Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quarterback or Cheerleader?

Did you ever notice how in sports EVERYONE right down to the water boy is "part of the team"

But there seem to be two types of people that are the most noticed and talked about...

The Quarterback and the Cheerleader...

Their can only be one quarterback...calling the plays and leading the team in the game. How would it look or be if the head Cheerleader kept running out on the field and trying to tell the quarterback which plays to make or worse yet AFTER he called the play running in and giving a different one... it would be a mess wouldn't it and the cheerleader would look like a fool...

But how many of us do this every day in our marriages?

I know I was... You see the world tells us women that being a "cheerleader" is flaky, demeaning, prissy job...and that really we should be out trying to be the quarter back. The bible however tells us that we are to let our husbands lead our team and being a cheerleader is a super important job.

What if the cheerleaders stood on the sidelines and cheered for the OTHER team or what if they cheered and then went over to the crowd and talked about the team and how awful they are? Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

But every day we have a choice to stand on the sidelines and cheer for our quarterbacks and tell the crowd how amazing they are and pump them up! Because just because we are cheerleaders doesn't make us any less a part of the team... and who do you think the quarter back comes running to after he leads the team to a win? His cheerleader! Because when he leads the team...EVERYONE wins =)

So who cares if you don't like sports or think my cheerleader analogy is shallow... I don't but it's the same comparison I keep giving when I talk to my husband about what is going on inside me.

I tried for too long to compete for that quarterback slot... instead of listening to God and to my husband I listened to the worlds idea of what I should be... I always felt like I needed to somehow contribute financially to our family and while this is not a bad thing it doesn't define my worth to my family... I finally got it and instead of running out on the field trying to compete I am now happily on the sidelines cheering on my quarterback...

Last night we were talking and as I was telling him how incredibly happy I am and that it has NOTHING to do with him... I was crying...isn't it funny how we cry whether happy or sad? How when we find REAL happiness that it has nothing to do with other people but finding our happiness right where we are at and finding our worth in who God created us to be.

I'm happy... I was Created to be Aaron's Help Meet and to be my kids mom and I'm so happy and if I never have any other "success" in the world's eyes it doesn't matter... phooey on them... I am happy being the cheerleader...

My husband reminded me last night that this is all pressure I have put on myself...and he reminded me that "You are enough just being you, the complete package"

I replied "well let me remind you of that as well that YOU are enough just being Aaron and I accept and love you for who you are no matter what"

The biggest thing I learned from that book is we are NOT our spouses Holy Spirit or Conscience and we waste a lot of energy trying to fill those roles when they just aren't for us to do... and it sure feels freeing to FINALLY be completely out of God's way so HE can be those things for my husband...

So how about you? Are you interrupting the game by trying to compete with your quarterback or are you happy cheering him on while he leads YOUR team to victory... because if you are happy in the role God designed you for... the quarterback shares his win with you!


  1. I want to cheer for my Quarterback & his(our) team!
    P.S. Praying for your team.

  2. I love this analogy! It's a good reminder for me to be my husband's cheerleader.

  3. Karissa,
    God is using you in a mighty way. Thank you so much for your honesty. I am going to work extra hard at cheering for Eric. I know I have a hard time with being in control. When I let go and let God work on my heart and not worry about everyone else, I am so much happier.
    I love you sweet friend, and am praying for total healing and restoration. God STILL performs miracles!
    Jen Walz
